The Swiss HTA report on homeopathy

The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health has commissioned a “Health Technology Assessment (HTA)” report [1] to make informed decisions on whether homeopathy should continue to be included in the list of services provided by statutory health insurance Health insurance companies are taken over.

According to the authors, “Their report confirms that homeopathy is a valuable adjunct to conventional medical care,” a status she has long held in practical health care. ”

A quote from the official conclusion of the report:

“There is sufficient evidence for the preclinical efficacy and clinical efficacy of homeopathy as well as for its safety and cost-effectiveness in comparison to orthodox medical treatments. ”

Results of the Swiss report

Evidence from laboratory tests and clinical studies shows that homeopathy is cost-effective and safe in the way it is practiced in Switzerland.

20 out of 22 systematic reviews of clinical trials showed a positive trend of evidence in favor of homeopathy.

The clearest evidence of efficacy has been found in upper respiratory infections and allergic reactions. 29 studies were identified, including 24 with positive results.

The report discredits the meta-analysis of Shang et al.2 published in The Lancet in 2005 (the only comprehensive systematic review that has ever come to the conclusion that homeopathy does no better than a placebo). According to the authors of the Swiss report: “… we can say with certainty that the study by Shang et al. from 2005 does not prove that homeopathy has no bases.
